Oakview Elementary School Home

Our Mission

Welcome to our school! We believe that parent participation is key to student success; our new website is designed to provide parents with all the information they need to be active participants in their student’s education. You will find that the site works just as well on mobile devices as it does on a desktop so you can find information on the go.

School News

School Year Calendar

2023-24 School Year Calendar

Itching to plan your next vacation? Be sure to check our 2023-24 School Year Calendar to make sure education is not impacted!

Dismissal Procedures

Safety is a priority at Oakview! Click here for a description of our dismissal procedures.
Computer assets

Welcome to Our New Website!

Thank you for visiting our new website! Please check back often as updates are made, and click on article headlines to view full stories where applicable.
School buses

Managing News Stories

Summary text is best limited to 1-3 sentences, and featured images will look best if all ratios match (current ratio 2x3 landscape). This is an example story.

About Us

Welcome to our school! We believe that parent participation is key to student success; our new website is designed to provide parents with all the information they need to be active participants in their student’s education. You will find that the site works just as well on mobile devices as it does on a desktop so you can find information on the go.
Apple on a stack of textbooks
Expo markers on a whiteboard
Stack of books on library desk
Various school supplies in metal tins
Pens and notebooks