Dismissal Procedures

Oakview Families,  

We work hard at Oakview Elementary to make safety and security a priority.  Oakview Elementary uses a numbered system to dismiss our students to  ensure that they are going home with an approved adult.  

Each family will be assigned a number that will match a mirror hanger and a backpack tag for each student.  All the children in your family will have a matching backpack tag and learn their family’s corresponding number.  When driving through the pickup line, please display your mirror hanger to identify yourself every timeStaff will see your number and ensure your child(ren) safely enters your vehicle.  

Vehicles without hangers will be directed to park, show identification to a supervising adult, prior to the release of students.  This will be required.  We will offer a “soft start” to this policy for the month of September.  

If you have an alternate adult pick up your child(ren), simply notify the school and transfer your mirror hanger to that person.  If unable to transfer the hanger, please understand the adult will need to show identification and be verified in Skyward.  

We trust that you will work with us as we work to increase safety and ensure that Oakview students are leaving our campus with the correct people.  Using this system has drastically diminished the wait time for families and has quickened the pace of dismissal.  Please practice patience and understanding as our new families learn the system.  As always, if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please feel free to give me a call or send me an email.  

Please reference the back of this letter for a map of our campus as it pertains to dismissal.  


Crystal Allen, Principal

Oakview Elementary School